Book Your Taxi
Fill in the relevant details so we know where we can find you, and when to pick you up. There is a notes section for any info that you might have for the driver to help with your booking. Select the type of car and get an estimated fare.
Payment Method
Select the payment method in the bottom right of the booking screen. Options include cash, card in taxi, card online or on account. Please note you must regsiter as a user to use card or account payment methods.
Passenger Details
Fill in the relevant passenger details in case we need to contact you about your taxi booking. Name, phone number and email address. Booking confirmation and reference number will also be emailed to you for your booking.
Booking Confirmation
After you make your booking you will received a screen with confirmation of your booking. This information will also be emailed to you. If you register as a user will can edit or cancel your booking and also see past bookings.